Pancreatic Trauma

What can happen if Pancreas is injured?

What are various causes of Pancreas Injury?

What are the symptoms in patient of Pancreatic Trauma?

      1. Redness, bruising over abdomen
      2. Abdominal pain and swelling, board like rigid and painful abdomen
      3. Dizziness, light headedness, nausea-vomiting, fall in BP, suggesting blood loss
      4. Blood glucose level abnormalities
      5. Oily stools, loss of appetite, indigestion

How is Pancreatic Trauma diagnosed?

How is Pancreatic trauma treated?

How is the outcome in such patients?

What is the outcome of patients of Pancreatic cancer?

Early detected tumour, small sized tumour, young age are favourable factors for good outcome. Unfortunately, most tumours are detected late when they start producing symptoms, when cure becomes unlikely.

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