Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma

This cancer develops from the cells in Pancreas ducts. As the cells multiply excessively, they form a tumour in and around the ducts.

Other types of Cancer

What are the risk factors for Pancreas Cancer?

      1. Ageing – Risk increases above 60yrs age
      2. Smoking
      3. Diet – Fatty diet and meat
      4. Obesity
      5. Persistent swelling over pancreas (Chronic Pancreatitis)
      6. Heavy alcohol drinking
      7. Prolonged exposure to certain industrial chemicals like pesticide, dyes, metal refining chemicals

What are Pancreas Cancer symptoms?

Symptoms due to bile duct blockage –

Around 7 in 10 cases develop in Head of Pancreas. As it grows, it compresses/blocks bile duct, causing 

1. Yellow skin and eyes (painless jaundice)
2. Dark coloured urine
3. Pale stools
4. Itching all over body (pruritus)
5. Nausea-vomiting
6. Weight loss, anorexia (First symptoms if tumour in body or tail of pancreas)
7. Diabetes
8. Acute Pancreatitis – tumour may present as attack of acute pancreatitis
9. If spreads to other parts, symptoms develop according to site (Example, breathlessness in lung involvement, bone pain if spreads to bone, unconsciousness if spreads to brain, etc.)

How is Pancreas Cancer diagnosed?

How is Pancreatic Cancer treated?

What is the outcome of patients of Pancreatic cancer?

Early detected tumour, small sized tumour, young age are favourable factors for good outcome. Unfortunately, most tumours are detected late when they start producing symptoms, when cure becomes unlikely.

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