Chronic Pancreatitis

What are the symptoms of Chronic Pancreatitis?

What are the causes of Chronic Pancreatitis?

Alcohol – Most common cause. Generally, heavy drinking for 10 years or more leads to symptom development.

Smoking – Recently found to be linked to this disease

Genetic conditions – Some problems in patient’s genetic structure, passed through his/her family.

Autoimmune Conditions – Patient’s own immune system attacks the Pancreas

Uncommon causes –

      1. Structural problem in pancreas – like narrowing of duct due to various reasons
      2. Hereditary – Passed from parents
      3. Malnutrition – diet including cassava
      4. Unknown – no cause identified

How to diagnose Chronic Pancreatitis?

In early stages, diagnosis is difficult. Lot of damage to pancreas, calcium deposition, or significant decrease in digestive juices and hormones causes symptoms. A variety of tests may be required to be done according to the condition of patient.

      1. Blood tests
      2. Stool samples
      3. USG or CT scan
      4. MRCP (type of MRI)
      5. Endoscopy (EUS/Cholangiogram)

How is Chronic Pancreatitis treated?

What are the complications of Chronic Pancreatitis?

A variety of complications may occur in these patients

Can we expect good recovery in these patients?

Persistent damage to Pancreas will lead to some destruction which will not regrow again. But improving lifestyle, healthy diet with good hydration and exercise can lead to good long term outcome and good quality of life.

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